Hannah Bourke

Genetics, Food, Humans, and Speculative Thinking

Leaves, Life, Structure, and Form

Research: Autumn Leaves

Admiring the death and rebirth, the energetic exchange. What appears to die is simply transformed. I also want to highlight the atmosphere and mood of autumn colors and arid landscapes.

Reimagining Food

Visual reference for the old adage “You are what you eat”

We can all pretty much sense something isn’t right. Extinctions of species, fracking, unethical mining practices, suicide at an all time high, ice caps melting, debt slavery, mass shootings, for profit prison systems and mass incarceration. Many people feel disempowered at the overwhelming amount of damage that has been done. I believe, from my personal experience, that when you focus on what you can “control” like what you choose to consume, be that food or entertainment; when you really start to nourish yourself, you can change the world from the inside out.

I believe humans mean well most of the time, but most of the GMOs and all of this capitalism inspired gene splicing and patenting manipulation of our food done in the name of “ingenuity” and “progress” and “efficiency” may not be the best long term solutions for our bodies or our planet. There are more food allergies and sensitivities than ever before, and diseases like cancer, hypothyroidism and candida, have increased exponentially. I think it is significant that this correlates to the time processed foods and disconnection to the natural ways of farming also increased.

I am diagnosed Bipolar type 1, and it was during my third psychiatric hospitalization that a nutritionist suggested I clear my diet of processed food and foods that create inflammation in the mind/body. I.E. wheat and glutinous grains, dairy and sugar, to try to naturally manage the intense swings of manic psychosis and suicidal depression that I’d been cycling through for years. In my experience, this is rare medical advice in today’s world where they just give you pills for any ailment, often with terrible side effects. And while it’s not always this simple, to improve our state of health from the inside out through concious consuming can truly change our outlook on life as well as the direction of our lives and our state of health. On top of poor nutrition, I’ve also wrestled with serious addiction issues to attempt to ease the suffering brought on by many of my symptoms. Alcohol, prescription drugs, cigarettes, these I’ve fortunately been able to put to rest for the most part over the last three years, but the one I’ve struggled with the most is my food addiction. I have serious bouts of an eating disorder known as Binge eating, and while this year I’ve had major breakthroughs with healing the emotional triggers and traumas that underlie this intensely destructive and shame inducing eating pattern, I’ve been humbled over and over again with lapses back into it. Most namely while working on this project where the focus is visually adorning the external body with natural foods that would make up the internal foundation for every living system within. I know as well as anyone who has undergone the difficult task of making major changes to their habitual patterns and/or compulsive addictive behaviors that change doesn’t come easily. Sometimes made more difficult by financial circumstances in a world that subsidizes the very foods that can cause disease and disharmony in the mind body.

How do we live in a way that does not harm our bodies or our planet?

I do not believe a vegetarian diet is necessary. I do not believe gluten free, sugar free, keto or whatever is necessary. I do believe in connecting with your food instead of mindlessly eating, and listening to you body; loving yourself to the best of your ability through the immensely difficult process of finding what truly gives you clarity and a sense of peace.