Racha Elsbach

Genetics, Food, Humans, and Speculative Thinking

My proposal for this project was to make a sound recording that relates to food consumption. My idea was to create a sound collage of different eating a digesting sounds related to the future of food consumption. Maybe some machine noises. Eating and digesting sounds are usually very visceral, though this might be good I do not want to make it too disgusting.

Leaf Meditation

For this project I continue to work with sound to discuss the complex identity of leaves. I used noises of literal leaves as well as sounds that can describe the feeling of leaves to create this project.

Another Gear

For my final assignment I created a sound sculpture with an accompanied video of found footage from the internet. The sound project highlights the life of an imaginary person as they grown up. It is meant to show how in the modern world we become more and more reliant on machines. In a way we become gears in a greater machine as well. Though the machines make life easier, they become the death of us.